Interface IUIHint

All Superinterfaces:
IComponent, ICustomDataProvider, IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IMessageBox, IPropCnr, IUIComp, IVSComponentListener, IVSComponentState, IVSFieldListener
All Known Implementing Classes:
EUIComboBox, EUIDateTime, EUILabel, EUIOutput, EUISpinner, EUIText, EUITextArea, UIAbstractListChoice, UIComboBox, UIDateTime, UILabel, UIOutput, UISpinner, UIText, UITextArea

public interface IUIHint extends IUIComp
Interface supporting the Hint API functions.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getHintKString

      default PlainKString getHintKString()
      Gets the hint assigned to the component.
      The hint string or null if none is present.
    • getHintString

      default String getHintString()
      Gets the hint as a String assigned to the component.
      The hint string or null if none is present.
    • setHint

      default boolean setHint(PlainKString hint)
      Sets the hint for the component.
      hint - The hint string, or null to remove the existing hint.
      true for changes, false for no change.
    • setHint

      default boolean setHint(String hint)
      Sets the hint for the component.
      hint - The hint string, or null to remove the existing hint.
      true for changes, false for no change.