Annotation Interface PropRef

@Documented @Retention(CLASS) @Target({FIELD,LOCAL_VARIABLE}) public @interface PropRef
Used to define a property reference to a class field or local variable. At compile time, the reference is checked by the PostJavaCompiler. The annotation is not used at Runtime.
Christopher Mindus
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    The Full String Reference to the Property.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Class<? extends GProp>
    The Property Type class expected, default com.iizix.prop.GProp.class meaning no checking as all properties extends from GProp.
    The Property Value class expected, default means no type validation.
  • Element Details

    • ref

      String ref
      The Full String Reference to the Property.
      The Full String Reference to the Property (includes the Module Project and slashes).
    • type

      Class<? extends GProp> type
      The Property Type class expected, default com.iizix.prop.GProp.class meaning no checking as all properties extends from GProp.

      The class does not need to be an exact match, it can be a subclass of the real class.

      Example: type = com.iizix.prop.PropCnr.class, or type = KStringProp.class.

      The expected property class name, including package.
    • value

      Class<?> value
      The Property Value class expected, default means no type validation.

      The class does not need to be an exact match, it can be a subclass of the real class.

      Example: value = String.class, or value = java.lang.Integer.class.

      The expected property class name, including package.