Interface IReferrerParticipant

All Superinterfaces:
IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr
All Known Subinterfaces:
IUIPanelOwner, IVSParticipant
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractInputProps, EditorInputProps, EditorOutputProps, EditorRESTfulInputProps, EditorResultProps, EditorResultSetProps, EditorScreenProp, EMUISimpleDialog, EUIContextMenu, EUIDialog, EUIPanel, EUIPanelPart, InputProps, MUISimpleDialog, OutputProps, RESTfulInputProps, ResultProps, ResultSetProps, ScreenProp, UIContextMenu, UIDialog, UIPanel, UIPanelBase, UIPanelPart

public interface IReferrerParticipant extends IPropCnr
Interface implemented by an owner of the property reference that refers into a container that has a ReferralsHolder. This interface is used to check for participation state of the referrer property used e.g. by panels that refers to the VirtualSpace but is not valid for the client session due to the panel being of another resolution or for another device than the client is using.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • isParticipating

      default boolean isParticipating(EnvProps envProps)
      Checks if the owner of the reference is participating.
      envProps - The Client Environment instance of the current client connection.
      The participation state, by default true.
    • isPrimaryParticipant

      default boolean isPrimaryParticipant()
      Checks if this participant is primary or not. A primary participant is chosen in the selection processing when multiple participants are ordered in a ReferralsHolder.
      The default implementation returns true.
    • getParticipantDescription

      String getParticipantDescription()
      Returns the given description of the referrer participant.
    • getParticipantType

      String getParticipantType()
      Returns the given type of the referrer participant.