Enum Class IPropReference.RefType

All Implemented Interfaces:
IPropReference.IRefType, IEnumLocaleString, Serializable, Comparable<IPropReference.RefType>, Constable
Enclosing interface:

public static enum IPropReference.RefType extends Enum<IPropReference.RefType> implements IPropReference.IRefType
The reference types.

Text IDs used

  propref.type.annotation                         = Annotation                               
  propref.type.asset_file                         = Asset file                               
  propref.type.assets_file                        = Assets file                              
  propref.type.background_image                   = Background Image                         
  propref.type.context_menu                       = Context Menu                             
  propref.type.database_transaction               = Database Transaction                     
  propref.type.extends_prop                       = Extends property                         
  propref.type.image                              = Image                                    
  propref.type.kstring_hyperlink                  = Hyperlink in KString                     
  propref.type.kstring_image                      = Image in KString                         
  propref.type.kstring_text_id                    = Text ID in KString                       
  propref.type.kstring_vs_field                   = VS Field in KString                      
  propref.type.kstring_panel                      = Panel Action in KString                  
  propref.type.kstring_resource                   = Asset Resource in KString                
  propref.type.kstring_external                   = External Resource in KString             
  propref.type.label_for                          = Label for                                
  propref.type.panel_part                         = Panel Part                               
  propref.type.selector                           = Selector                                 
  propref.type.server_config_environment          = Server Configuration Environment         
  propref.type.style                              = Style                                    
  propref.type.terminal_screen_action             = Terminal Screen Action                   
  propref.type.terminal_screen_field              = Terminal Screen Field                    
  propref.type.text_table                         = Text table                               
  propref.type.virtualspace                       = VirtualSpace                             
  propref.type.virtualspace_participant           = VirtualSpace Participant                 
  propref.type.vs_action                          = VS Action                                
  propref.type.vs_action_actor_participant        = VS Action for Action Actors              
  propref.type.vs_component                       = VS Component                             
  propref.type.vs_focus_component                 = VS Focus Component                       
  propref.type.vs_field                           = VS Field                                 
  propref.type.vs_field_or_vs_table_column_header = VS Field or VS Table Column Header       
  propref.type.vs_group                           = VS Group                                 
  propref.type.vs_on_ui_event                     = VS Action or Component to invoke or focus
  propref.type.vs_table                           = VS Table                                 
  propref.type.vs_table_column                    = VS Table Column                          
  propref.type.webservice_transaction             = Web Service Transaction                  
Christopher Mindus