Interface IPropCnrChoiceOption<CHOICE extends IPropCnrChoiceOption<CHOICE>>

All Known Subinterfaces:
IAxisChoiceOption, IChartChoiceOption, IPlotChoiceOption
All Known Implementing Classes:
AxisFixLower, AxisFixUpper, AxisPosition, AxisTitleOrientation, ChartTheme, PlotLabelStyle, PlotRadialGradient, PlotType, TitlePosition

public interface IPropCnrChoiceOption<CHOICE extends IPropCnrChoiceOption<CHOICE>>
Interface used to tag an option for generic options that can be retrieved or set.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • enumValues

      IPropCnrChoiceOption<CHOICE>[] enumValues()
      Gets all the choices possible, including default.
    • getInt

      int getInt()
      Returns the choice as an integer value.
    • getDefault

      CHOICE getDefault()
      Gets the default choice.
    • name

      String name()
      Gets the short string description of the choice.
    • isDefault

      default boolean isDefault()
      Checks if the choice it the default choice.
    • getPropName

      String getPropName()
      Gets the property name.
    • getChoice

      default CHOICE getChoice(int value)
      Returns a choice from an integer value.
    • get

      default CHOICE get(PropCnr pc)
      Gets a choice option.
      pc - The property container.
      The choice set, or the default choice if the option is undefined.
    • set

      default boolean set(PropCnr pc)
      Sets a choice option.
      pc - The property container.
      true if the value was changed, false for no change.