Interface ITransactionProcessor

All Known Subinterfaces:
IClientTransactionProcessor, PanelEditorTransactionProcessor
All Known Implementing Classes:
ClientTransactionProcessor, ViewTransactionCommListener, VSViewerTransactionCommListener, VSViewerTransactionProcessor

public interface ITransactionProcessor
Interface implemented by the party processing incoming transactions. This can be the generic transactions as well as wrapped transactions that are serial-numbered mixed with management transactions.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • onConnection

      void onConnection(SessionTransMgr manager)
      Called when a connection is established.
    • processTransaction

      void processTransaction(SessionTransMgr manager, ReadTransaction trans)
      Process incoming transaction that itself can consist of several sub-transactions.

      Management transaction are not present here, but GConstants.TRANS_NEXT_SERIAL that should call manager.onNextSerialTransaction();.

      trans - The transaction to process.
    • onPause

      void onPause(SessionTransMgr manager)
      Called when a connection is paused.
    • onReconnected

      void onReconnected(SessionTransMgr manager)
      Called when a connection is reconnected.
    • onDisposed

      void onDisposed(SessionTransMgr manager)
      Called when a connection is disposed of.