Package com.iizigo.vs

Interface INewVSComponentWizardInfo

All Known Implementing Classes:
NewVSComponentWizard, VSActionCreation, VSColumnCreation, VSComponentCreation, VSFieldCreation, VSTableCreation

public interface INewVSComponentWizardInfo
The information required by the VS component wizards.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • getTitle

      default String getTitle()
      Gets the title.
      The title for the page, or null for default.
    • getDescription

      default String getDescription()
      Gets the description.
      The description of the page, or null for default.
    • getRequestedName

      default String getRequestedName()
      Gets the requested name.
      null if no name is requested.
    • setRequestedName

      default void setRequestedName(String requestedName)
      Sets the requested name.
      requestedName - null if no name is requested.
    • isComponentSelectable

      default boolean isComponentSelectable()
      Returns if the VS component should be selectable or not.
      false by default in order to create a new one.
    • registerRequestedNameListener

      default void registerRequestedNameListener(Runnable nameListener)
      Registers a requested name listener.
    • getVirtualSpace

      EditorVirtualSpace getVirtualSpace()
      Returns the VirtualSpace.
    • getValueType

      Value.Type getValueType()
      Returns the value type where this applies (for VS Field and VS Column Header).
    • setValueType

      void setValueType(Value.Type valueType)
      Sets the value type where this applies (for VS Field and VS Column Header).
      valueType - The new value type.
    • isChooseTypeAllowed

      boolean isChooseTypeAllowed()
      Returns if the user is allowed to choose type.
    • isNullAllowed

      Boolean isNullAllowed()
      Returns if null is allowed.
      null to enable user to choose, otherwise Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE to disable user choice and use this setting.
    • setNullAllowed

      void setNullAllowed(boolean isNullAllowed)
      Sets the null allowed flag.
    • doCreateDefaultValue

      boolean doCreateDefaultValue()
      Returns if a default value should be created.
    • getTableOwner

      Gets the table owner, for table column creation.
      The table owner, or null for not available (or not applicable).
    • getUndoRedo

      IPropUndoRedo getUndoRedo()
      Gets the undo/redo instance.