Class KStringInfoProviderAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class KStringInfoProviderAdapter extends Object implements IKStringInfoProvider
Adapter to provide information required by KString's when converted to HTML.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • KStringInfoProviderAdapter

      public KStringInfoProviderAdapter(String httpServer, GProp<?> anyProp, boolean shouldResolve)
      httpServer - The HTTP server string.
      anyProp - Any property for references.
      shouldResolve - Flag indicating the "real" resolved string should be returned. This value is true for the runtime client when in "real run mode".
  • Method Details

    • getHTTPServer

      public String getHTTPServer()
      Gets the HTTP Server string prefix including port.
      Specified by:
      getHTTPServer in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      The "HTTP[S]//server[:port]" String or null for none.
    • getImageTarget

      public IImageTarget getImageTarget(String ref)
      Gets the image reference.
      Specified by:
      getImageTarget in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      ref - The image definition reference string.
      The image found, or null if not found.
    • doAddReference

      public boolean doAddReference()
      Gets the flag for adding the reference string in an attribute when editing the KString.
      Specified by:
      doAddReference in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      true for the Designer (will add additional parameters for the rich text editor), false for normal processing.
    • shouldResolve

      public boolean shouldResolve()
      Flag indicating the "real" resolved string should be returned. This value is true for the runtime client when in "real run mode".
      Specified by:
      shouldResolve in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      true to resolve all references, false if inside e.g. the Designer.
    • getResolveReferenceProperty

      public GProp<?> getResolveReferenceProperty()
      Gets the property used for references look-up's.
      Specified by:
      getResolveReferenceProperty in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      The property to use for reference property look-up.
    • getDPR

      public double getDPR()
      Gets the device pixel ratio.
      Specified by:
      getDPR in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      The device pixel ratio, default 1.0.
    • getTargetLanguageCode

      public String getTargetLanguageCode()
      Gets the language code to use.
      Specified by:
      getTargetLanguageCode in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      The language code, or null for default.
    • getResourcePrefix

      public String getResourcePrefix()
      Gets the base reference name for the resource, typically an image, for the Server or the Designer. This reference is "/$" (the default in this interface) for the Designer, but should be "/$APPID/" for the Server, where APPID is the application being run by the client. The Server must therefore implement this method and return that string instead.
      Specified by:
      getResourcePrefix in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      The resource prefix string, "/$" by default, but "/$APPID/" for the Server,' where APPID is the application being run by the client.
    • installFont

      public boolean installFont(String fontFamily)
      Installs the font families as specified by the font family.
      Specified by:
      installFont in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      fontFamily - The font family or families.
      true for success, false if the remote part doesn't support installation, e.g. in a preview browser.
    • installFonts

      public boolean installFonts(List<FontFiles> fontList)
      Installs the font face as specified by the FontFiles instance for the Client Session. Once installed, the font family can be used.
      Specified by:
      installFonts in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      fontList - The list of font files to install.
      true for success, false if the remote part doesn't support installation, e.g. in a preview browser.
    • getStyleTagText

      public String getStyleTagText()
      Gets the additional styles tags that need to be in the "head" of the html in order for FontFace text to provide font-face support.
      The [style] tag and its declaration text containing font faces, etc, or null for none.
    • resetFontFace

      public void resetFontFace()
      Resets the font face declarations.