Class WindowsLikeFilenameFilter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WindowsLikeFilenameFilter
    extends java.lang.Object
    Filters file names like under Windows, with '?' being any character, '*' being any characters and '^' the escape character (the meaning of '?' and '*' becomes the actual character, and two escape characters for a single).
    • Constructor Summary

      WindowsLikeFilenameFilter​(java.lang.String filter)
      Creates the instance of the file name filter that is case sensitive.
      WindowsLikeFilenameFilter​(java.lang.String filter, boolean isCaseSensitive)
      Creates the instance of the file name filter that is case sensitive.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and TypeMethodDescription
      booleanaccept​( dir, java.lang.String name)
      Tests if a specified file should be included in a file list with the current filter.
      Gets the case sensitivity flag.
      Gets the current filter string.
      booleanisMatching​(java.lang.String name)
      Checks if a name matches a filter string like under Windows, with '?' being any character, '*' being any characters and '^' the escape character (the meaning of '?' and '*' becomes the actual character, and two escape characters for a single).
      static booleanisMatching​(java.lang.String name, int namePos, java.lang.String filter, int filterPos, boolean isCaseSensitive)
      Checks for a partial match.
      static booleanisMatching​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String filter)
      Checks if a name matches a filter string like under Windows, with '?' being any character, '*' being any characters and '^' the escape character (the meaning of '?' and '*' becomes the actual character, and two escape characters for a single).
      static booleanisMatching​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String filter, boolean isCaseSensitive, boolean replaceStarDotStar)
      Checks if a name matches a filter string like under Windows, with '?' being any character, '*' being any characters and '^' the escape character (the meaning of '?' and '*' becomes the actual character, and two escape characters for a single).
      voidsetCaseSensitivity​(boolean on)
      Sets the case sensitivity flag.
      voidsetFilter​(java.lang.String filter)
      Sets a new filter string.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • WindowsLikeFilenameFilter

        public WindowsLikeFilenameFilter​(java.lang.String filter)
        Creates the instance of the file name filter that is case sensitive. Setting the filter parameter to null will include all files.
      • WindowsLikeFilenameFilter

        public WindowsLikeFilenameFilter​(java.lang.String filter,
                                         boolean isCaseSensitive)
        Creates the instance of the file name filter that is case sensitive. Setting the filter parameter to null will include all files.
    • Method Detail

      • setFilter

        public void setFilter​(java.lang.String filter)
        Sets a new filter string. Setting the filter parameter to null will include all files.
      • getFilter

        public java.lang.String getFilter()
        Gets the current filter string.
        null if all files are included, otherwise the current filter string.
      • setCaseSensitivity

        public void setCaseSensitivity​(boolean on)
        Sets the case sensitivity flag.
      • getCaseSensitivity

        public boolean getCaseSensitivity()
        Gets the case sensitivity flag.
      • accept

        public boolean accept​( dir,
                              java.lang.String name)
        Tests if a specified file should be included in a file list with the current filter.
        Specified by:
        accept in interface
        dir - - the directory in which the file was found.
        name - - the name of the file.
        true if the name should be included in the file list; false otherwise.
      • isMatching

        public boolean isMatching​(java.lang.String name)
        Checks if a name matches a filter string like under Windows, with '?' being any character, '*' being any characters and '^' the escape character (the meaning of '?' and '*' becomes the actual character, and two escape characters for a single).

        Note: "*.*" is replaced with "*" as filter if equal.

      • isMatching

        public static boolean isMatching​(java.lang.String name,
                                         java.lang.String filter)
        Checks if a name matches a filter string like under Windows, with '?' being any character, '*' being any characters and '^' the escape character (the meaning of '?' and '*' becomes the actual character, and two escape characters for a single).

        Note: "*.*" is replaced with "*" as filter if equal.

      • isMatching

        public static boolean isMatching​(java.lang.String name,
                                         java.lang.String filter,
                                         boolean isCaseSensitive,
                                         boolean replaceStarDotStar)
        Checks if a name matches a filter string like under Windows, with '?' being any character, '*' being any characters and '^' the escape character (the meaning of '?' and '*' becomes the actual character, and two escape characters for a single).
      • isMatching

        public static boolean isMatching​(java.lang.String name,
                                         int namePos,
                                         java.lang.String filter,
                                         int filterPos,
                                         boolean isCaseSensitive)
        Checks for a partial match. This function is recursive. The parameters are the file name string and starting position in it and then the filter string with a starting filter position.
        true for a match; false otherwise.