Interface ITableContentProvider<HEADER,​HEADER_CELL,​ROW,​ROW_CELL>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ITableContentProvider<HEADER,​HEADER_CELL,​ROW,​ROW_CELL>
    Interface for the UITable content provider.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Method Detail

      • onInitialize

        void onInitialize​(UITable table)
        Called to initialize the content provider for the UITable instance.
      • onReinitialized

        void onReinitialized()
        This method is called when the table needs re-initialization due to e.g. a change of the VSTable or one of the columns.
      • dispose

        void dispose()
        Called when the content provider is no longer required by the table.
      • getHeader

        HEADER getHeader()
        Gets the header object.
        The header object, or null for no header.
      • getHeaderCells

        HEADER_CELL[] getHeaderCells​(HEADER header)
        Gets the header cells.
        header - The header object, never null.
        The cell array.
      • getRows

        ROW[] getRows()
        Gets the row objects.
        The row object array.
      • getRowCells

        ROW_CELL[] getRowCells​(ROW row)
        Gets the cells for a row object.
        row - The row object.
        The cells. Note: the array of cells may very well be shorter or longer than the actual number of columns in table.
      • isRowSelected

        boolean isRowSelected​(ROW row)
        Returns if the row is selected or not. This method is only called if the table has row selection enabled and has multiple selection.
        true if selected, false otherwise.
      • getFirstSelectedRow

        ROW getFirstSelectedRow()
        Returns the first selected row for single selection tables. This method is only called if the row selection is enabled and set to single selection.
        The selected row.
      • getRowStyle

        int getRowStyle​(ROW row,
                        int filteredRowIndex)
        Gets the row style.
        row - The row index.
        filteredRowIndex - The filtered row index, not necessarily the same at the real row index.
        The row style index registered with the table, or zero for none.
      • onRowSelection

        void onRowSelection​(TableRow tableRow,
                            ROW row,
                            boolean on)
        Called when the row selection state is changed.
        tableRow - The table row affected.
        row - The row whose selection state changed.
        on - The new selection state.
      • isRowCellSelected

        boolean isRowCellSelected​(ROW_CELL cell)
        Returns if the cell is selected or not. This method is called only when the table has cell selection enabled.
        cell - The cell.
        true if cell is selected, false otherwise.
      • getRowCell

        TCell getRowCell​(ROW_CELL cell,
                         int columnIndex,
                         int rowIndex)
        Gets the row cell information.
        cell - The cell object.
        columnIndex - The column index.
        rowIndex - The row index before filtering.
        The cell contents.
      • onCellUpdated

        void onCellUpdated​(ROW_CELL cell,
                           TCell value)
        Cell update event.
        cell - The cell object.
        value - The new value.