Interface IUICompCreator<UICOMP extends UIComp>

    • Method Detail

      • getCreations

        default java.util.List<VSComponentCreation<?>> getCreations​(UICOMP uiComp,
                                                                    EditorVirtualSpace virtualSpace,
                                                                    IPropUndoRedo undoRedo)
        Gets the required VS component creations that are needed.
        uiComp - The UI component.
        virtualSpace - The VirtualSpace.
        undoRedo - The undo/redo instance.
        A list of VS component creation elements.
      • getImage

        java.lang.String getImage()
        Gets the large image to use, relative the "icons/large" directory.
      • onWizard

        void onWizard​(AddUICompWizard wizard,
                      UIPanelBase panel,
                      UICOMP uiComp)
        Called to create required wizard pages.
        wizard - The wizard.
        uiComp - The component created.
        panel - The panel.
      • performFinish

        default boolean performFinish()
        Called when the wizard completes. Override to process.
        true to finish (default), false to abort.
      • performSilent

        default boolean performSilent()
        Called when silent execution is done and a wizard is not used. This method is called instead of performFinish().
        true to finish (default), false to abort.