Interface IELayoutMgrSimpleDND<LAYOUT_PROP extends LayoutProp>

    • Method Detail

      • convertLayout

        default void convertLayout​(ComplexOperation op,
                                   UIContainer cnr,
                                   LayoutMgr<?> oldLayout)
        Called to convert one layout to another when the layout has been dropped into a container. The conversion must apply to all components in the container, e.g. that all components gets the GridData instead of AbsoluteData.
        Specified by:
        convertLayout in interface IELayoutMgrDND<LAYOUT_PROP extends LayoutProp>
        op - The complex operation instance.
        cnr - The container.
        oldLayout - Old layout, already removed from the container and disposed of, null if none previously existed.
      • onDrop

        default UIComp[] onDrop​(DropInfo di)
        Performs a drop from JavaScript in this layout manager with the specified properties and the layout manager specific transaction data.

        The default is just to call onDropStandard(DropInfo, int).

        Specified by:
        onDrop in interface IELayoutMgrDND<LAYOUT_PROP extends LayoutProp>
        di - The drop information instance.
        The created components that will be selected, or null for aborted operation or failure.
      • onDropStandard

        default UIComp[] onDropStandard​(DropInfo di,
                                        int targetColumn)
        The standard routine to perform a drop from JavaScript in this layout manager with the specified properties and the layout manager specific transaction data.
        di - The drop information instance.
      • onDropCompleted

        default void onDropCompleted​(DropInfo di,
                                     UIComp[] newComps,
                                     ComplexOperation op)
        Called prior to executing the operation after a drop, to perform some additional processing.