Class EUIDateTime

    • Constructor Detail

      • EUIDateTime

        public EUIDateTime()
        Creates the property container without a name. The name must be set in all cases using the setPropertyAtom call.
      • EUIDateTime

        public EUIDateTime​(Atom propertyAtom)
        Creates the property container with the specified name. All system-reserved names for components begins with "$".
        propertyAtom - the name of the component, unique within it's parent.
    • Method Detail

      • createStyles

        protected Styles createStyles()
        Creates the Styles container (can be overridden by Designer to create EditorStyles).
        createStyles in class UIComp
      • addPredefinedProps

        protected void addPredefinedProps()
                                   throws PropException
        Adds the predefined containers for identifications, fields and actions. This method is overridden fully by the Editor versions of the class.
        addPredefinedProps in class PropCnr
        PropException - for property exceptions.
      • getPredefinedProps

        public void getPredefinedProps()
        Gets the references to predefined properties.
        getPredefinedProps in class UIComp
      • getCNImage

        public getCNImage​(boolean isMobile)
        Gets the image for the Common Navigator.
        Specified by:
        getCNImage in interface IEUICompBase
        isMobile - The mobile theme flag.
        Image or null if there is no image.
      • getPossibleChildren

        public java.lang.Class<?>[] getPossibleChildren()
        Gets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g. a Paste operation.
        Specified by:
        getPossibleChildren in interface IPropCnr
        getPossibleChildren in class PropCnr
        An array containing the classes of possible children, or null for no support.
      • getStylesName

        public java.lang.String getStylesName​(EditorStyles styles)
        The name of this styles property for the common navigator.
        Specified by:
        getStylesName in interface IStylesFilter
        styles - The Styles property container.
      • getSupportedStyles

        public java.lang.String[] getSupportedStyles​(EditorStyles styles)
        Gets the groups supported by the component.
        Specified by:
        getSupportedStyles in interface IStylesFilter
        styles - The Styles property container.
        An array of property names of the styles. Names beginning with '*' indicates it's a group.
      • getExtendsPossibleClasses

        public java.lang.Class<?>[] getExtendsPossibleClasses()
        Gets the possible classes this container supports for the Extends Framework. The default implementation is to return null.
        Specified by:
        getExtendsPossibleClasses in interface IPropCnr
        getExtendsPossibleClasses in class PropCnr
        List of supported classes, or null for none.
      • getSelectPropViewerFilter

        public org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerFilter getSelectPropViewerFilter()
        Gets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
        Specified by:
        getSelectPropViewerFilter in interface IExtendsSelection
      • verify

        public boolean verify​(PropVerification verification)
        Verifies this property container. The check performed is the extension of classes and that no circular reference is present.
        Specified by:
        verify in interface IGProp<GProp<?>[]>
        verify in class UIComp
        verification - The property verification class.
        true if verification should proceed, false if disposed of and verification should not take place.
      • onValueChanged

        public void onValueChanged​(VSField field,
                                   Value value,
                                   GProp<?> trigger,
                                   IPostEventProcessing postProcessing)
        Called when the field value is set.

        Components must override to provide the implementation when they are not implementing IPlainTextComponent, in this case the default implementation transports the field string value to this text components plain text.

        Specified by:
        onValueChanged in interface IVSFieldListener
        onValueChanged in class UIDateTime
        field - The VS field.
        value - The value, never null, but value.isNull() could be true.
        trigger - The trigger property that may be null.
        postProcessing - Post-processing instance.
      • getTransferProps

        public java.lang.Object[] getTransferProps()
        Returns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
        Specified by:
        getTransferProps in interface ITransferContainerProps
        The list of String's or Atom's that are transferable, null for none.