Class LinkedIn

    • Field Detail

      • SCOPE_r_liteprofile

        public static final java.lang.String SCOPE_r_liteprofile
        The scope: basic profile, read only. Today, only "r_liteprofile" is available and is unfortunately very limited.

        "r_liteprofile" (v2)
        "r_basicprofile" (v1), and
        "r_fullprofile" (v1).

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SCOPE_r_emailaddress

        public static final java.lang.String SCOPE_r_emailaddress
        The scope: email address, read only.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String[] DEFAULT_SCOPES
        The default scopes SCOPE_r_liteprofile and SCOPE_r_emailaddress: {"r_emailaddress", "r_liteprofile"}, used when no scope is provided.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LinkedIn

        public LinkedIn​(OAuthSession session,
                        java.lang.String clientID,
                        java.lang.String clientSecret,
                        java.lang.String... scopes)
        Constructs the service.
        session - The OAuthSession.
        clientID - The Client ID.
        clientSecret - The Client Secret.
        scopes - The list of scopes as an array, or as one space delimited string. In order to retrieve the user profile information using {@link #getUserProfileInfo()}, you MUST specify the scopes {@link #SCOPE_r_liteprofile} and if you wish to also get the email address, you must also specify the scope {@link #SCOPE_r_emailaddress}.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If session, clientID or clientSecret is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If clientID or clientSecret is empty String.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the authentication engine is not initialized.
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public static IServiceCreator<LinkedIn> initialize​(java.lang.String clientID,
                                                           java.lang.String clientSecret,
                                                           java.lang.String... scopes)
        Creates an instance of the ParamInitializedService that holds the parameters for the provider authentication.
        clientID - The Client ID.
        clientSecret - The Client Secret.
        scopes - The list of scopes as an array, or as one space delimited string. In order to retrieve the user profile information using {@link #getUserProfileInfo()}, you MUST specify the scopes {@link #SCOPE_r_liteprofile} and if you wish to also get the email address, you must also specify the scope {@link #SCOPE_r_emailaddress}.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If clientID, clientSecret or any of the scopes values are null is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If clientID, clientSecret or any of the scopes values is empty.
      • getApproximateSize

        public Size getApproximateSize()
        Gets the approximate size in pixels of the inner browser window requested. This setting used when possible, but is not guaranteed.
        The size, or null if none is known (full screen).
      • getLogoutURL

        public java.lang.String getLogoutURL()
        Returns the logout URL for the OAuth service. It is not the same as invalidating an access URL.
        Specified by:
        getLogoutURL in class AbstractOAuthService
        The logout URL.
      • getUserProfileInfo

        public UserProfileInfo getUserProfileInfo()
        Gets the UserProfileInfo from this service.

        This will cause the user to have to authenticate with the service, unless not already done.

        All fields available for this service that are possible to set and available will be initialized. Other values will be left null, unknown or undefined.

        Specified by:
        getUserProfileInfo in class AbstractOAuthService
        The UserProfileInfo instance.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the authentication has not completed successfully, or if the String "profile" is not among the requested scopes.
        java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException - For execution errors.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If the revocation action was interrupted. - For I/O errors.