Class VSReferenceOwnerData<VSTYPE extends VSComponent,​REFPROP extends VSRelativeReference<VSTYPE>>

  • public class VSReferenceOwnerData<VSTYPE extends VSComponent,​REFPROP extends VSRelativeReference<VSTYPE>>
    extends java.lang.Object
    Data holder class for the owner of a VS relative reference property for a column reference.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Field Detail

      • atom

        public final Atom atom
        The atom name of the reference.
      • owner

        public final PropCnr owner
        The property reference owner (or parent).
    • Constructor Detail

      • VSReferenceOwnerData

        public VSReferenceOwnerData​(Atom atom,
                                    java.lang.Class<REFPROP> propClass,
                                    PropCnr owner)
        Constructor of the data. The atom name of the reference.
    • Method Detail

      • getReferenceProp

        public REFPROP getReferenceProp()
        Gets the VS Reference property.
        The reference property instance, null if not defined.
      • createReferenceProp

        public REFPROP createReferenceProp​(java.lang.String relativeReference)
        Creates the VS Reference property with a reference string to a property referenced.
        relativeReference - The relative reference to the VS component from the VirtualSpace (or another relative component).
        The created property, not added to a container (owner), just created. Use the undo/redo instance to add it (for the Designer).
      • getVSComponent

        public VSTYPE getVSComponent()
        Gets the component reference.
        The component referenced, or null if not defined.