Class ReferralsHolder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    EventListener, IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr, java.lang.Cloneable
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class ReferralsHolder
    extends PropCnr
    The Referrals Holder property container contains the properties that refer to the owner of this container. The referral holder can be reordered by order of priority. The priority is used to look-up the best candidate or to handle the order of execution of e.g. an action. Look-up is used e.g. by VirtualSpace with connections to panels.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReferralsHolder

        public ReferralsHolder()
        Creates a ReferralsHolder container without name.
      • ReferralsHolder

        public ReferralsHolder​(Atom name)
        Creates a ReferralsHolder container with a name.
        name - The name of the container.
    • Method Detail

      • usesPropIndex

        public final boolean usesPropIndex()
        Use of index for the property container is enabled.
        Specified by:
        usesPropIndex in interface IPropCnr
        usesPropIndex in class PropCnr
        true for this container.