Interface ITerminalStateListener

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    CaptureEditor, RecordingEditor, ScreenEditor, TerminalView

    public interface ITerminalStateListener
    Interface to listen to state changes for the TerminalComposite when connected to a host session. It is used to check states for Edit actions as well that are related to the host session state as well as e.g. current mark in the terminal window by the user.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Method Detail

      • onTerminalStateUpdate

        void onTerminalStateUpdate​(HostSession hostSession,
                                   TerminalWindow tw)
        Called when state probably needs update or check.
        hostSession - The host session, may be null.
        tw - The TerminalWindow, may be null when hostSession is null, not otherwise.
      • onTerminalFieldChanged

        void onTerminalFieldChanged​(HostSession hostSession,
                                    TerminalWindow tw)
        Called when the screen needs updates due to field change.
        hostSession - The host session, may be null.
        tw - The TerminalWindow, may be null when hostSession is null, not otherwise.