Package com.iizigo

Class Console

    • Method Detail

      • getPrintAdapter

        public static IPrintAdapter getPrintAdapter()
        Gets the printer to use for simple console output.
        The instance.
      • eprintln

        public static void eprintln​(java.lang.String msg)
        Prints a stderr message.
        msg - The message to print.
      • println

        public static void println​(java.lang.String msg)
        Prints a stdout message.
        msg - The message to print.
      • println

        public static void println​(int type,
                                   java.lang.String msg)
        Prints to any of the stream types.
        type - The type of message:
           TYPE_stderr      = 0
           TYPE_stdout      = 1
           TYPE_log_SEVERE  = 2
           TYPE_log_WARNING = 3
           TYPE_log_INFO    = 4
           TYPE_log_CONFIG  = 5
           TYPE_log_FINE    = 6
           TYPE_log_FINER   = 7
           TYPE_log_FINEST  = 8
        msg - The message to print.