Class HostScreen

  • public class HostScreen
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class does everything required for a host screen.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Constructor Detail

      • HostScreen

        public HostScreen()
        Creates a new screen of size 80 x 24.
    • Method Detail

      • getLockObject

        public java.lang.Object getLockObject()
        The lock object to synchronize on when processing e.g. screen identifications, used when the host session will update the screen in blocks in a separate thread.
      • addListener

        public void addListener​(HostScreenListener newListener)
        Add an additional owner
        newListener - The listener.
      • removeListener

        public void removeListener​(HostScreenListener oldListener)
        Remove the additional owner
        oldListener - The listener.
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clears the entire screen.
      • analyzePopupWindows

        public void analyzePopupWindows()
        Analyzes the host pop-up windows.
      • getPopupWindowCount

        public int getPopupWindowCount()
        Checks how many pop-up windows exist.
      • getPopupWindows

        public Rect[] getPopupWindows()
        Gets the pop-up windows. Do not modify the rectangles returned!
      • getPopupWindow

        public Rect getPopupWindow​(int index)
        Gets the pop-up window at an index.
        null if index is out of range.
      • getCurrentPopupWindowXOffset

        public int getCurrentPopupWindowXOffset()
        Gets the current offset in X for a pop-up window.
      • getCurrentPopupWindowYOffset

        public int getCurrentPopupWindowYOffset()
        Gets the current offset in Y for a pop-up window.
      • getCurrentPopupWindow

        public Rect getCurrentPopupWindow()
        Gets the current host pop-up window.
        null if none exists or none has been set.
      • getCurrentPopupWindowIndex

        public int getCurrentPopupWindowIndex()
        Gets the current index of the pop-up window.
        The index, or -1 for none.
      • setCurrentPopupWindow

        public void setCurrentPopupWindow​(int index)
        Sets the current pop-up window.
      • append

        public void append​(SendTransaction trans,
                           boolean doFields,
                           boolean doPopupWindows)
        Appends the host fields and possibly the pop-up windows.
      • initialize

        public void initialize​(ReadTransaction trans)
        Initializes the host fields and/or the pop-up windows from a transaction.
        trans - The transaction with the information.
      • setSize

        public void setSize​(int cx,
                            int cy)
        Sets the current screen size.
      • setCursor

        public void setCursor​(int x,
                              int y)
        Changes cursor position.
      • onHostScreenChange

        public void onHostScreenChange​(HostSession hostSession,
                                       int beginPos,
                                       int endPos)
        Gets new character and attribute data from the host session.
      • getCharacters

        public char[] getCharacters()
        Gets the character data for the screen. This is mainly used by the screen identification process in order to be quicker.

        Note: While using the returned data, the host screen *must* be synchronized.

      • getAttributes

        public int[] getAttributes()
        Gets the attribute data for the screen. This is mainly used by the server-to-client routines to dispatch changes of screens to several listening parties.

        Note: While using the returned data, the host screen *must* be synchronized.

      • getWidth

        public int getWidth()
        Gets the width of the screen.
      • getHeight

        public int getHeight()
        Gets the height of the screen.
      • getFields

        public HostFields getFields()
        Gets all the host fields.
      • isFieldFormatted

        public boolean isFieldFormatted()
        Checks if this host screen is field formatted. This method is not like the one in HostSession, this one checks for presence of HostFields that the ClientSession has read from the HostSession when the worker thread has queued a host event. Use the HostSession method directly to see if any fields are present.
      • getFieldAbsolute

        public HostField getFieldAbsolute​(int pos)
        Gets a host field from a position.
        null if no host field exists in the position.
      • getFieldAbsolute

        public HostField getFieldAbsolute​(int x,
                                          int y)
        Gets the host field from a X/Y position.
        null if no host field exists in the position.
      • getFieldRelative

        public HostField getFieldRelative​(int x,
                                          int y)
        Gets the host field from a X/Y position relative to the current pop-up window.
        null if no host field exists in the position.
      • getFirstFieldAbsolute

        public HostField getFirstFieldAbsolute​(int pos)
        Gets the first host field from a position.
        null if no host field exists in the position.
      • getFirstFieldAbsolute

        public HostField getFirstFieldAbsolute​(int x,
                                               int y)
        Gets the first host field from a X/Y position.
        null if no host field exists in the position.
      • getFirstFieldRelative

        public HostField getFirstFieldRelative​(int x,
                                               int y)
        Gets the first host field from a X/Y position.
        null if no host field exists in the position.
      • getCharAbsolute

        public char getCharAbsolute​(int pos)
        Gets a character from a position.
      • getCharAbsolute

        public char getCharAbsolute​(int xx,
                                    int yy)
        Gets a character from a X/Y position.
      • getColorAbsolute

        public int getColorAbsolute​(int pos)
        Gets a CGA color from a position.
      • getColorAbsolute

        public int getColorAbsolute​(int xx,
                                    int yy)
        Gets a CGA color from a position.
      • getColorRelative

        public int getColorRelative​(int xx,
                                    int yy)
        Gets the CGA color from a relative position.
      • getStringAbsolute

        public java.lang.String getStringAbsolute​(int xx,
                                                  int yy,
                                                  int length)
        Gets a text string from host at an absolute position on the screen. No provision for host pop-up windows are made. The string returns blanks for hidden characters.
      • getStringAbsolute

        public java.lang.String getStringAbsolute​(int xx,
                                                  int yy,
                                                  int length,
                                                  boolean doGetHidden)
        Gets a text string from host at an absolute position on the screen. No provision for host pop-up windows are made. The string returns blanks for hidden characters depending on the flag.
      • getHiddenStringAbsolute

        public java.lang.String getHiddenStringAbsolute​(int xx,
                                                        int yy,
                                                        int length)
        Gets a text string from host at an absolute position on the screen. No provision for host pop-up windows are made.
      • getStringRelative

        public java.lang.String getStringRelative​(int xx,
                                                  int yy,
                                                  int length)
        Gets a text string from host at a relative position. This position is relative to the current host pop-up window offset. The string returns blanks for hidden characters.
      • getStringRelative

        public java.lang.String getStringRelative​(int xx,
                                                  int yy,
                                                  int length,
                                                  boolean doGetHidden)
        Gets a text string from host at a relative position. This position is relative to the current host pop-up window offset. The string returns blanks for hidden characters.
      • getHiddenStringRelative

        public java.lang.String getHiddenStringRelative​(int xx,
                                                        int yy,
                                                        int length)
        Gets a text string from host at a relative position. This position is relative to the current host pop-up window offset. The string returns blanks for hidden characters.
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Checks if all characters on the screen (except the last line) are spaces. This is useful during connect to a host session in order to inhibit all panel processing until the connection is done and has a non-empty screen.
      • getCursorAbsolute

        public Position getCursorAbsolute()
        Gets the current absolute cursor position on the screen, without taking into account any current host pop-up window.
      • getCursorRelative

        public Position getCursorRelative()
        Gets the current relative cursor position on the screen, taking into account any current host pop-up window. If no host pop-up window exists, the cursor position will be the same as the absolute cursor position.
      • appendScreen

        public void appendScreen​(SendTransaction t)
        Adds the entire host screen definition in a transaction that will cause the client to display a new terminal window.
      • mapBoxChar

        public char mapBoxChar​(char ch,
                               int pos)
        Routine to map special Unicode box drawing characters to printable Ansi "+-|" characters.
      • getScreenChars

        public java.lang.String getScreenChars()
        Gets the entire screen, blanking out hidden characters and replacing box drawing characters (to +-|) and null (to space).
      • getLengthExclusive

        public int getLengthExclusive​(int xBegin,
                                      int yBegin,
                                      int xEnd,
                                      int yEnd)
        Calculates the length between two positions with support for screen wrapping. The positions are excluding the ending position.
      • getLengthExclusive

        public int getLengthExclusive​(int beginPos,
                                      int endPos)
        Calculates the length between two positions with support for screen wrapping. The positions are excluding the ending position.
      • getLengthInclusive

        public int getLengthInclusive​(int xBegin,
                                      int yBegin,
                                      int xEnd,
                                      int yEnd)
        Calculates the length between two positions with support for screen wrapping. The positions are excluding the ending position.
      • getLengthInclusive

        public int getLengthInclusive​(int beginPos,
                                      int endPos)
        Calculates the length between two positions with support for screen wrapping. The positions are including the ending position.
      • getPosition

        public int getPosition​(int x,
                               int y)
        Gets the position.