Class SetFocus.Settings

    • Constructor Detail

      • Settings

        public Settings()
        Creates the settings without name.
      • Settings

        public Settings​(Atom propertyAtom)
        Creates the settings with specified name.
        propertyAtom - the property atom.
    • Method Detail

      • doesModifyVirtualSpace

        public boolean doesModifyVirtualSpace​(VSAction action)
        Checks if the VirtualSpace is modified by the Action Actor. Override this method to return the correct setting, default returns true.
        doesModifyVirtualSpace in class AbstractSettings
        action - The action in question, perhaps null. If the action is null, it is assumed that the actor could be connected to multiple actions and should therefore return the "worst" scenario, i.e. that it does modify the VS.
        true if any field in the VS is modified (excludes focus).
      • getTargetFocus

        public VSComponent getTargetFocus()
        Gets the target focus VS component.
        The VSComponent instance, or null if not defined or not found.
      • getTargetFocusReference

        public VSFocusReference getTargetFocusReference()
        Gets the target focus component reference.
        The VSComponent reference instance, or null if not defined.