Class Series

    • Field Detail

      • PLOT

        public static final java.lang.String PLOT
        The "$plot" string for the property.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Series

        public Series​(java.lang.String name)
        Constructs a new series from a name.
        name - The name of the series. The name MUST be a valid Atom name.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If the name is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the name is invalid.
      • Series

        public Series​(Atom atom)
        Constructs a new series from an Atom name.

        This constructor is used by the persistence framework and should not be used.

        atom - The atom name.
      • Series

        public Series()
        Constructs a new series without a name.

        This constructor is used by the persistence framework and should not be used.

    • Method Detail

      • usesPropIndex

        public final boolean usesPropIndex()
        Checks if index is relevant for this container, e.g. to keep the values in order.
        Specified by:
        usesPropIndex in interface IPropCnr
        usesPropIndex in class PropCnr
        true, the series is index-sensitive.
      • getSeriesType

        public SeriesType getSeriesType()
        Gets the series type.
        The series type, or null if undefined.
      • getValuesList

        public java.util.List<GSeriesValue> getValuesList()
        Gets the series values as a list of values.
        A modifiable list with the values. Changing the array will not affect the series.
      • getValues

        public GSeriesValue[] getValues()
        Gets the series values as an array of values.
        An array with the values.
      • getValuesProp

        public SeriesValue getValuesProp​(int index)
        Gets the series value property at specified index.
        index - The index.
        The value property, or null if index is out of bounds.
      • getValue

        public GSeriesValue getValue​(int index)
        Gets the series value at specified index.
      • addValue

        public Series addValue​(GSeriesValue value)
        Adds a new data series value.
        value - The new values to add.
        this instance for concatenation use.
      • addValues

        public Series addValues​(GSeriesValue... values)
        Adds a new data series values.
        values - The new values to add.
        this instance for concatenation use.
      • addValue

        public Series addValue​(double value)
        Adds a new data series simple value.
        value - The new simple value to add.
        this instance for concatenation use.
      • addValues

        public Series addValues​(double... values)
        Adds a new data series simple values.
        values - The new simple values to add.
        this instance for concatenation use.
      • addNoValue

        public Series addNoValue()
        Adds a new data point without value, i.e. a null value.
        this instance for concatenation use.
      • removeValue

        public boolean removeValue​(int index)
        Remove a value at specified index.
        index - The index of the value to remove.
        true for success, false for failure (index out of bounds).
      • getValueCount

        public int getValueCount()
        Gets the count of values in the series.
        The count.
      • removeAllValues

        public boolean removeAllValues()
        Removes all the values from the data series.
        true for changed, false for no change (no values present).
      • setPlot

        public Series setPlot​(java.lang.String name)
        Sets the plot name to associate this series with. If the plot name is not found in the chart, this setting will be ignored.
        name - The plot name, must be an Atom-valid name. If set to null series will be unassigned from any potential previous plot.
        this instance for concatenation use.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the name is invalid (i.e. must be an Atom-valid name).
      • getPlot

        public java.lang.String getPlot()
        Gets the plot name to associate this series with.
        The plot name, or null if unassigned.
      • verify

        public boolean verify​(PropVerification verification)
        Verifies this property container. The check performed is the extension of classes and that no circular reference is present.
        Specified by:
        verify in interface IGProp<GProp<?>[]>
        verify in class PropCnr
        verification - The property verification class.
        true if verification should proceed, false if disposed of and verification should not take place.
      • hasConnection

        public boolean hasConnection​(int vs)
        Returns whether this series is with or without VS table connection.
        vs - The VS connection check: -1 = no matter what type of connection, 0 = no VS connection, 1 = with VS connection.
        true if the data series matches the VS connection check setting, always true when "vs=-1".
      • getVSTable

        public VSTable getVSTable()
        Returns the VS table connection.
        The VS table, or null for none.
      • onResolved

        public void onResolved​(VSRelativeReference<?> reference,
                               VSColumnHeader column)
        Called when the property reference has been resolved. UI components use this method to set its state according to the field.
        Specified by:
        onResolved in interface IVSColumnListener
        reference - The VSRelativeReference instance holding the reference.
        column - The target reference.
      • onBroken

        public void onBroken​(VSRelativeReference<?> reference,
                             VSColumnHeader column)
        Called when the property reference has been broken, i.e. unresolved.
        Specified by:
        onBroken in interface IVSColumnListener
        reference - The VSRelativeReference instance holding the reference.
        column - The target reference.
      • onStateChanged

        public void onStateChanged​(VSColumnHeader column,
                                   IVSComponentState.State state,
                                   boolean on)
        Called when the column changes state.
        Specified by:
        onStateChanged in interface IVSColumnListener
        column - The VS table column.
        state - The state change, possible values ENABLED, READONLY, VISIBLE or SELECTED.
        on - New state.
      • onSingleSelectionChanged

        public void onSingleSelectionChanged​(VSColumnHeader column,
                                             int rowIndex)
        Called when the row selection in table single-selection mode is changed to forward to column listeners.
        Specified by:
        onSingleSelectionChanged in interface IVSColumnListener
        column - The column.
        rowIndex - The row index selected, -1 for none.
      • onSelectionChanged

        public void onSelectionChanged​(VSColumnHeader column,
                                       VSRow row,
                                       int rowIndex,
                                       boolean isSelected)
        Called when the row selection is changed to forward to column listeners.
        Specified by:
        onSelectionChanged in interface IVSColumnListener
        column - The column.
        row - The row that was changed.
        rowIndex - The row index.
        isSelected - The selected state.
      • onRowAdded

        public void onRowAdded​(VSColumnHeader column,
                               VSRow row,
                               int rowIndex)
        Called when a row has been added to the table.
        Specified by:
        onRowAdded in interface IVSColumnListener
        column - The column.
        row - The row that was added.
        rowIndex - The row index where it was inserted.
      • onRowRemoved

        public void onRowRemoved​(VSColumnHeader column,
                                 VSRow row,
                                 int rowIndex)
        Called when a row has been removed from the table.
        Specified by:
        onRowRemoved in interface IVSColumnListener
        column - The column.
        row - The row that was removed.
        rowIndex - The row index before removal.
      • onCellValueChanged

        public void onCellValueChanged​(VSColumnHeader column,
                                       VSField cell,
                                       Value value,
                                       GProp<?> trigger,
                                       IPostEventProcessing postProcessing)
        Called when the cell value is set in the column.
        Specified by:
        onCellValueChanged in interface IVSColumnListener
        column - The VS column.
        cell - The VS field.
        value - The value, never null, but value.isNull() could be true.
        trigger - The trigger property that may be null.
        postProcessing - Post-processing instance.
      • onParentStateChanged

        public void onParentStateChanged​(IVSComponent parent,
                                         IVSComponentState.State state,
                                         boolean on)
        Called when the parent changes state.
        Specified by:
        onParentStateChanged in interface IVSComponentListener
        parent - The parent who's state was changed.
        state - The state change, possible values PARENT_ENABLED, PARENT_READONLY, PARENT_VISIBLE.
        on - New state.
      • updateContents

        public void updateContents()
        Called to update the data series with new data from the connected VS table.