Interface IPropEditorExtender<EDITOR extends BaseEditor<PROP,​VALUE>,​PROP extends GProp<VALUE>,​VALUE>

  • public interface IPropEditorExtender<EDITOR extends BaseEditor<PROP,​VALUE>,​PROP extends GProp<VALUE>,​VALUE>
    Interface used to extend the property editor of a single edited property item. The edited property itself could be several properties with their values at once if multiple selection is possible.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        void initialize​(EDITOR editor,
                        IzMenu menu)
        Requests initialization of the menu for the property editor, if one is present.
        editor - The property editor.
        menu - The menu in question, null for none.
      • updateMenuItemStates

        void updateMenuItemStates()
        Called to update the menu item states.
      • isUndefinedOperationAllowed

        boolean isUndefinedOperationAllowed​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell)
        Checks if undefined should be allowed. This gives the opportunity to cancel the operation.
        shell - The shell (for message boxes).
        true for OK to undefine, false to keep the property intact and defined.
      • isReplaceOperationAllowed

        boolean isReplaceOperationAllowed​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell,
                                          PROP newProp,
                                          VALUE newValue)
        Checks if a new value should be allowed from a dialog box. This gives the opportunity to cancel the operation.
        shell - The shell (for message boxes).
        newProp - The new property (cloned, perhaps not attached to a parent).
        newValue - The new property value.
        true for OK to proceed, false to keep the existing property intact.
      • updateTooltip

        void updateTooltip​(IzToolTip tip,
                           PROP[] props)
        Updates the tooltip.
        tip - The tip instance to set.
        props - The properties.
      • getLabelText

        java.lang.String getLabelText​(PROP[] props)
        Gets the text to display in a potential label to the right of the "more" button.
        props - The edited properties. A property in the array MAY BE null.
        The text, or null for none.