Class FilePropCnr

    • Constructor Detail

      • FilePropCnr

        public FilePropCnr()
        Creates a FilePropCnr for the designer with the specified name with a null value. This constructor is only used by the factory to check validity, and nothing else. Never instantiate this class.
      • FilePropCnr

        public FilePropCnr​(Atom propertyAtom,
                           org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile file)
        Creates a FilePropCnr for the designer with the specified name with a null value.
        propertyAtom - the property atom.
        file - the file.
    • Method Detail

      • fromProperty

        public static FilePropCnr fromProperty​(GProp<?> property)
        Gets a FilePropCnr from a property that should be the FilePropCnr itself or a child.
        property - The property.
        The FilePropCnr of the property, null if not found.
      • getDataContainer

        public PropCnr getDataContainer()
        Gets the data property container for the file.
        The data property container (Atom.DATA_CONTAINER), or null for none.
      • getSaveable

        public FilePropSaveable getSaveable()
        Gets the Saveable instance for this file.
        The Saveable instance, null when file hasn't been loaded yet (thus this call is too early and this shouldn't happen, otherwise the Editor requesting the Saveable has a problem with it's delayed start-up when projects are loaded or workbench started).
      • onCompletedLoading

        public void onCompletedLoading​(PropCnr dataContainerToBe)
        Called when the file completed its loading from the Module model.
        dataContainerToBe - The FilePropCnr data container to-be, not yet added, null for default.
      • onPropDispose

        protected void onPropDispose()
        Called when a property is disposed of by delete/remove in a container, or by the dispose method.

        This call is done just at the end of the delete/remove routine in the container, without synchronization.

        During this call, whatever components that e.g. the client needs to disposed of is done.

        Subclasses needing to perform some intelligent operations upon deletion should do it by overloading this method and always call the super.onPropDispose() method.

        onPropDispose in class PropCnr
      • attachEditor

        public void attachEditor​(PropEditorPart editor)
        Attaches an Editor to this file.
      • detachEditor

        public void detachEditor​(PropEditorPart editor)
        Detaches an Editor from this file.
      • hasActiveEditors

        public boolean hasActiveEditors()
        Checks for active editors.
      • getAttachedEditors

        public PropEditorPart[] getAttachedEditors()
        Gets the attached editors.
      • getActiveEditor

        public PropEditorPart getActiveEditor()
        Gets the active or topmost attached editor.
        The editor part, or null for none.
      • getURL

        public getURL()
        Gets the file name URI for this property.
        getURL in class FileURIPropCnr
      • getFile

        public getFile()
        Gets the file for this property.
        getFile in class FileURIPropCnr
        null if not found.
      • getModificationStamp

        public long getModificationStamp()
        Gets the file modification stamp of the resource if found.
        -1 if not found.
      • getIFile

        public org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile getIFile()
        Gets the file.
        The file resource or null if not found.
      • getFileName

        public java.lang.String getFileName()
        Gets the file name (full path name) for this property.
      • isAssetFile

        public boolean isAssetFile()
        Checks if this file is located in the Assets directory. This is only handled in the Editor.
        isAssetFile in class FileURIPropCnr
        Always true in the Server or Client.
      • clone

        public FilePropCnr clone()
                          throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
        Clone must be overridden.
        clone in class FileURIPropCnr
        java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - If a subclass doesn't allow cloning, e.g. the client properties.
      • onEventSelf

        public void onEventSelf​(GEvent event)
        Called when a property event is send to this property.

        A subclass can override this method to perform appropriate processing and is not required to call super.onEventSelf(e).

        Specified by:
        onEventSelf in interface IGProp<GProp<?>[]>
        onEventSelf in class GProp<GProp<?>[]>
        event - The property event.
      • run

        public void run()
        Invoked to check for dirty flag.
        Specified by:
        run in interface java.lang.Runnable
      • saveFile

        public void saveFile​(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
                      throws org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException
        Saves the file if a Shell is not available.
        monitor - The progress monitor.
        org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException - For file errors.
      • getSize

        public long getSize()
        Returns the size of the resource in bytes.
        getSize in class FileURIPropCnr
        The size, or -1 if resource is not found.
      • getModificationTime

        public long getModificationTime()
        Returns the modification time of the resource.
        getModificationTime in class FileURIPropCnr
        The modification time, or zero if resource is not found.