Class UICompsDesignerProp

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    INavigatorPresentation, EventListener, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable

    public class UICompsDesignerProp
    extends UIDesignerProp
    Class for the UI property containers in the designer, specialized for UIComps class to handle layout data.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Method Detail

      • canPerform

        public java.lang.String canPerform​(int operation)
        Checks if an operation on this property is permitted. Subclasses can override this method and return an error message, the default is to return null.

        Overridden for Web Service: delete/move not possible for Input/Output, link supported for Input/Output and Input Parameters.

        canPerform in class DesignerProp
        operation - The operation: OP_MOVE, OP_DELETE.
        null for OK, otherwise an error message.
      • getCNImage

        public getCNImage​(int flags)
        Gets the image for the Common Navigator.
        Specified by:
        getCNImage in interface INavigatorPresentation
        getCNImage in class DesignerProp
        flags - The flags for the image, see FLAG_IMAGE_*.
        Image or null if there is no image.
      • getCNDescriptionType

        public java.lang.String getCNDescriptionType()
        Provide a type description for the status bar view, if available.
        Specified by:
        getCNDescriptionType in class UIDesignerProp
        A type description for the status bar view, or null if not available.
      • paste

        public PasteFeedback paste​(boolean doPerformPaste,
                                   int position,
                                   GProp<?>[] props,
                                   int operation,
                                   java.lang.String description,
                                   IPropUndoRedo undoRedo)
        Validates or performs a paste operation. The paste can be a move operation.
        paste in class UIDesignerProp
        doPerformPaste - Flag indication operation is to be performed (true) or just tested for validity (false).
        position - Position for paste: -1=before target, 0=in target, 1=after target.
        props - The properties.
        operation - The operation: OP_COPY or OP_MOVE.
        description - The description of the operation "source" for undo history.
        undoRedo - The undo/redo interface.
        The feed-back instance.
      • pasteProperties

        public java.lang.String pasteProperties​(boolean doPerformPaste,
                                                GProp<?>[] props,
                                                int operation,
                                                java.lang.String description,
                                                IPropUndoRedo undoRedo,
                                                GProp<?> reference,
                                                boolean isAfter)
        Validates or performs a paste operation. The paste can be a move operation.
        pasteProperties in class DesignerProp
        doPerformPaste - Flag indication operation is to be performed (true) or just tested for validity (false).
        props - The properties.
        operation - The operation: OP_COPY or OP_MOVE.
        description - The description of the operation "source" for undo history.
        undoRedo - The undo/redo interface.
        reference - Reference property where to place the new properties (important only when container has index-based ordering).
        isAfter - Flag for after, otherwise before.
        The error message if not valid, null if OK.