Interface IVSActionLinkEnabler

    • Method Detail

      • isVSActionLinkCapable

        default boolean isVSActionLinkCapable​(LinkData data)
        Returns if this property container could potentially be link capable.

        This call is done many times during drag-drop and must be very fast and not cause too much garbage collection.

        data - The link data.
        true if linkable with a VSField, false otherwise.
      • isLinkCapable

        default org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus isLinkCapable​(LinkData data)
        Returns if this property container could potentially be link capable.

        This call is done many times during drag-drop and must be very fast and not cause too much garbage collection.

        Specified by:
        isLinkCapable in interface ILinkCapable
        data - The link data.
        The status of capability of the operation.
      • getLinkVSActionName

        default Atom getLinkVSActionName​(LinkData data)
        Gets the atom for the linking. Override to support multiple or different names.
        data - The link data.
        Default is Atom.ACTION.
      • addVSActionLinkOperations

        default void addVSActionLinkOperations​(LinkData data,
                                               java.util.Collection<ILinkOperation> linkOps)
        Called when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item). The link-capable instance fills in only what it handles.
        data - The link data.
        linkOps - List of link operations is filled in when operations are found.
      • getLinkOperations

        default java.util.Collection<ILinkOperation> getLinkOperations​(LinkData data)
        Called when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item). The link-capable instance fills in only what it handles.
        Specified by:
        getLinkOperations in interface ILinkCapable
        data - The link data.
        The list of operations required.