Interface IClassReferenceListener

    • Method Detail

      • getRequiredClassAnnotation

        java.lang.String getRequiredClassAnnotation()
        Get the fully qualified annotation name that the Java Class should be annotated with.
        Gets the required annotation name, null for none.
      • onResolve

        void onResolve​(JavaClass reference,
                       boolean isClassFound,
                       java.lang.String errorMessage)
        Notifies the Class Reference of resolve result.
        reference - The Class Reference.
        isClassFound - Flag indicating class is found, but interface is not implemented (when true) or annotation is missing.
        errorMessage - The error message, or null to clear the error.
      • isAnnotationBackReferenceRequired

        boolean isAnnotationBackReferenceRequired()
        Checks if the Class Reference require an annotation back-reference.
        true if the annotation is required to have a back-reference on the "ref" member value pair to the Class Reference owner.
      • getAnnotationBackReference

        java.lang.String getAnnotationBackReference()
        Gets the back-reference string.
      • getBackReferenceProperty

        PropCnr getBackReferenceProperty()
        Gets the back-reference property.
      • getRequiredInterface

        java.lang.String getRequiredInterface()
        Gets the fully qualified interface name that the Java Class should implement.
        Gets the required interface name, null for none.
      • onJavaChangedSWT

        void onJavaChangedSWT​(JavaClass reference)
        Called when the source has changed and is recompiled on disk or in-memory reconcile. This method is called in the SWT thread only (in the Designer).
      • onRename

        void onRename​(JavaClass reference,
                      java.lang.String newName)
        Informs the listener that the fully qualified class name has been changed. This includes the class package as well as the name.
        reference - The Class Reference.
        newName - The new fully qualified class name.
      • onMethodRenamed

        void onMethodRenamed​(JavaClass reference,
                             java.lang.String oldName,
                             java.lang.String newName,
                             java.lang.String signature)
        Called when a method has been renamed in the class.
        reference - The Class Reference.
        oldName - Old name.
        newName - New name.
        signature - Signature of method as retrieved by JavaHelper.getSimpleSignature class in Designer.